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Artists are never “finished."  We crave challenges that expand our insights and engage our hearts creatively. It's the work that satisfies and sustains us.

Focus on the Work.   Approach it as an Artist.


"The person you are is a thousand times more interesting than the best actor you can hope to be." - Stanislavsky

“The artist is one who can recover childhood at will.”

                           - Baudelaire

What I teach is a simple, human, and practical approach to storytelling.  An effective way to access your humanity using your empathetic imagination – deeply, truthfully, and without artifice – to serve the story.  It goes deeper and takes less time than any intellectual “technique” and will support you regardless of how you’ve practiced in the past.  

The focus is not on "how to book a job" but how to do the work with joy, depth and artistry within the pressures of the industry – stripping away the "actor" and allowing your humanity to transform and emerge freely and authentically, every time you play.   


I offer on-going, in-depth scene study classes of mixed professional levels.  I keep the class size small – 12 people maximum – to ensure that you work every week and that your work gets the attention it deserves.


Classes are structured to reflect the realities of the business and how we are asked to collaborate on a set – with varying amounts of preparation time, no outside rehearsal, and allowing for exploration and discovery in the moment – not the presentation of a finished product.


Effortlessness Takes Effort


Through the daily work of conditioning your imagination and mentality at home, and the weekly engaged play with other artists in class, you will learn to prepare your work self-sufficiently, collaborate healthily, and play with the depth and freedom you desire - consistently, vulnerably, confidently and effortlessly.

“Self-sufficiency is

the greatest of all wealth.”

                           - Epicurus

"We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."

- Aristotle

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